Break-up Spell to Break up a Relationship or Marriage

Break-up Spell

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You might want to help a friend or even offspring who are suffering at the hands of an unsuitable partner, but how it is most frequently used usually falls much closer to home – to break up a relationship that is working against your own.

More often than not, break-up spells are used by partners to shield or rebuild their relationship because of the direct intervention by those with less than altruistic intentions.

We all know of people who target those already in relationships. This happens most frequently when the couple involved are encountering a rough patch, which gives the interloper something on which to build. They will undermine your relationship, undermine you in the eyes of your lover. They will exaggerate the nature of the troubles, and they will also express how unhappy they are while hinting your lover is the only one who can help.

The tactics are ancient, as old as the hills, but when partners see cracks in their union with you, then the interloper simply works to widen them. At best, this might result in an inter-relationship fling; at worst, it can result in a complete breakdown of your relationship and possibly divorce. Then, of course, the mischief-maker claims your lover as their own.

If you are aware your partner is involved with someone else, then ordering my spell can make them become more aware of the issues involved. My Break-up Spell can also work if your partner has left with the interloper, or even if you have separated and they have become involved afterward.

As my spell works its magic, and your partner comes to realize that your relationship had many strong points, the third party will show a corresponding disinterest in your lover. They might start to put less effort into maintaining their part of the relationship, ultimately revealing to your lover that this partnership, too, like any, will eventually display its flaws.

Neither side will continue to see the other through rose-tinted spectacles, and your lover may well also come to know that they have been manipulated into acting in haste.

My Break-up Spell works only on highlighting the truth and revealing the bad intention behind soft words and good humor. It will simply bring to the forefront of your lover’s mind the issues which show that the grass is rarely greener on the other side of the fence.

All my Santeria spells and services are covered by my 1 Year Satisfaction Guarantee. Click here for details.

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Strength Options

1 Orisha $139, 7 Orishas $199, 14 Orishas $279

Reviews (1)

1 review for Break-up Spell

  1. Dakota25864 (verified owner)

    My spell took only 7 days to manifest and I received the most powerful results one can imagine. This website is such a blessing. Well worth the money as you can’t find anyone that powerful for this price.

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Strength Options

Selecting the right Strength Option for you Case

Option 1 - One Orisha Strength Option $49

Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 1 Orisha (Spirit). This strength level is suitable for most cases, especially ones that are not complicated or complex.

Option 2 - Seven Orishas Strength Option $99

This is my most popular strength option. Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 7 Orishas (Spirits). Choose this strength option if your case is difficult, or if you are in need of stronger and more potent results.

Option 3 - Fourteen Orishas Strength Option $159

This is my most influential and powerful strength option. Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 14 Orishas (Spirits). It is best suited for those clients that have severe, complicated, and complex cases and desire potent and permanent results.

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